
A businessman sits comfortably in a luxurious private jet cabin, reading from a tablet. The interior of the jet is elegantly designed with leather seats and wooden accents, and a tray with snacks is visible on the table beside him.

Personalized Buying and Selling Experience

We specialize in tailoring each transaction to fit your specific requirements, whether you’re acquiring a new aircraft or selling one. Our expert team is dedicated to providing a stress-free process, handling every detail with precision and care. We understand that aircraft transactions are no small undertaking, and we ensure they are treated with the thoroughness and gravity they deserve.

Aircraft Acquisition

Whether You’re Buying Your First Jet Or Looking To Expand Your Fleet, Pyxis Provides Comprehensive Services To Make Your Buying Process Smooth And Relaxed. From Initial Consultation To Ongoing Management, Our Experts Are Here To Guide You Every Step Of The Way. Here’s How We Guide You Through The Acquisition Process:


Comprehensive Market Analysis

We begin with a thorough market analysis to ensure you have access to the best aircraft options available. Our experts evaluate global market trends, availability, and pricing to find the perfect match for your needs and budget.


Aircraft Selection

Based on your specific requirements and preferences, we curate a selection of aircraft that best suit your travel needs and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for range, capacity, or specific amenities, we provide you with a tailored selection that meets your criteria.


Negotiation and Deal Structuring

This is where our art of navigating the deal comes in. Our experienced negotiators work to secure the best possible terms for your purchase. We handle all aspects of the negotiation process, ensuring a deal that aligns with your financial and operational expectations.


Closing and Delivery

After finalizing the deal, we oversee the closing process to ensure all administrative tasks are completed efficiently and correctly. Our service extends to arranging the delivery of your aircraft, making sure it arrives at your chosen location ready for flight.


Post-Purchase Support

Our commitment to you continues well beyond the initial sale. After you take possession of your aircraft, we remain available to assist with any operational needs, from crew staffing to ongoing maintenance coordination.

Aircraft Sales

At Pyxis, our approach to selling aircraft is guided by our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. We understand the significance of each transaction and offer a comprehensive suite of services to facilitate a smooth and successful sale. Here’s how we assist you in the selling process:

Market Valuation

Our service begins with an accurate market valuation of your aircraft. Utilizing the latest data and our deep understanding of market trends, we determine the best possible pricing strategy that reflects the true value of your aircraft in the current market conditions.


Leveraging our extensive network and cutting-edge marketing techniques, we create compelling listings for your aircraft. Our expansive global network allows us to reach a wealth of people around the world, ensuring your aircraft receives maximum exposure across the right channels.


We coordinate all aspects of showcasing your aircraft to potential buyers. Our team ensures that every showing highlights the unique features and advantages of your aircraft, making a lasting impression on prospective buyers

Negotiation and Transaction Handling

Our expert negotiators handle all aspects of the negotiation process to secure the best possible terms for your sale. We aim to achieve a deal that meets your expectations in terms of price and conditions, all while ensuring a smooth and transparent transaction process.

Documentation and

We manage all the necessary documentation required for the aircraft sale, from the initial offer to purchase through to the final sales agreement and closing documents. Our thorough attention to detail ensures that all paperwork is accurate and comprehensive, facilitating an ideal transfer of ownership.


Even after the sale is completed, our team remains at your disposal to assist with any post-sale inquiries or additional services you might require. At Pyxis, we are committed to maintaining strong client relationships well beyond the close of a sale.